May 17Liked by Mercury Natis

OK, I am totally torn between the complete and utter love I have for your brilliant analysis of de-queering (I HAD to subscribe to be able to comment, and to go read some of the past posts!) which is accompanied by a demand for more, more, MORE! -- and an equally strong desire to look over my bifocals in my professorial way and encourage you to get some rest, and find some FUN fandom stuff, and that you don't have to do this . . .so, um, yeah. Torn.

I'm going to post a link to your piece, and to another fascinating one by Jokien with Tolkien on Jackson's LOTR because you're both doing the kind of triangulating of reader response, close textual analysis, and comparative analysis (book and adaptation) that is pure catnip for me. And then I'll probably babble on about my ideas in the another post or two, thus making an, erm, trilogy!

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Thank you Robin!! I wish there was a way to allow subscribers to comment but not JUST paid subscribers, but alas. I too, sincerely, would love to get some rest and find some fun fandom stuff. Luckily, I have other fandoms to scratch that sweet, sweet fandom itch....

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May 26Liked by Mercury Natis

I should note I'm not at all complaining about needing to subscribe to comment--just noting that *this* post is the one that tipped me over into subscribing! It's just that fantastic. But yeah, be sure to get fun fannish down time and rest and all that so you can continue doing this amazing work!

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